The official launch of a community interest company called SHINE, a new start social enterprise formed by the collective action of ten skilled and accredited therapists and trainers, is to be held at 2pm, on Friday, February 27 at The WellBeing Centre, 6A Station Road, Saltlburn-by-the-Sea, TS12 1AE.
All founder members of SHINE have experience of working in a range of contexts and a variety of client groups within the NHS and the 3rd Sector.
Following a short presentation outlining the main aims and objectives of SHINE, attendees from organisations across Tees Valley will have the opportunity to participate in three informal discussion groups on themes that are high on the current Government Agenda i.e 1) Worklessness, 2) Substance Misuse and 3) The Improved Access to Psychological Therapies Programme currently being implemented according to NHS guidelines.
SHINE members believe that the company is in a good position to offer partnership work in these three areas with some of the main providers within the public, independent and 3rd sectors across Tees Valley.
SHINE is committed to enhancing the psychological well-being of people in the community and provides an integrative, holistic therapeutic service to meet individual needs.
The company aims to provide rapid and alternative access to treatment services for people experiencing physical and mental distress by offering a range of psychological services and complementary therapies on a 1:1 basis, training courses/workshops linked to personal development e.g anger management, anxiety/depression, confidence building, drug/alcohol awareness, health and diet, motivational interviewing and stress management and clinical supervision for staff in a variety of professions.
For further information on this event please contact SHINE at the WellBeing Centre on 01287-204400.