500 club Garden Grant
Thornaby-based Impetus Waste Management is providing funds for Saltburn's 500 club to carry out a project designed to provide a picnic area on Marine Parade. The grant of almost £9,000, made available through landfill tax credits, will pay to fence off the grassed area at the bottom of Diamond Street. The fence will keep stray dogs off the grass and leave it clean and safe for families and children to enjoy.Jackie Taylor MBE expressed gratitude for the help of everyone who had worked towards the achievement as well as to Impetus Waste Management and to Alfred McAlpine who are fitting the fence. She said that the project would benefit everyone who visited the garden area.
Fencing off the green Marine Parade Saltburn
We learned with horror that a small group of locals (Saltburn 500 Club) had got together to carry out a project to provide a picnic area at Marine Parade. They appear to have been given a grant of £9,000.00 by Impetus Waste Management to fence the area (to keep off stray dogs?).
We have no knowledge of any consultation having been undertaken with local inhabitants and do not agree with such a scheme:
1)The area is used by the local elderly and infirm to walk their dogs
2)The fencing of the only prominent green area on Marine Parade will give an unwelcoming feel to the town.
It is decidedly undemocratic that a group of individuals can obtain monies to 'improve' public land; especially in light of the debacle over the building on the lower promenade that has had to be bailed out at the cost of the rate payer.
Apparently there will be a metre high fence with three self-closing gates, one for disabled use and another which will provide access for grass cutters. Saltburn in Bloom, working with Groundworks, Alfred McAlpine and the Borough Council have designed a 'simple plain fencing' to protect (from dogs?) a designated picnic area for children. Have no information as to whether the whole of the grassed area is to be fenced or just part of it. Again many people have expressed that they are unaware of any consultation with regards to this proposal. It seems a pity that this open public space and the vista it provides is to be marred by an enclosing fence. Isn't this an expensive way of dealing with 'dogs'?
Diamond Street Resident
What happened to planning permission? The fence is already virtually in situ and without consultation!!!
Opinion polls and public meetings were designed for a reason and I for one would have welcomed the chance to give my opinion on the plans for a picnic area, but apparently being a long term resident & council tax payer isn't enough to gain me the right to have an input into what happens to my town. This privilege is reserved so it seems, for a more elete circle of town society.
Saltburn 500 club members need to be reminded that they are not the sole inhabitants of the town, nor are they the arbiters of what is right or good for it.
The fence as far as I'm concerned is unwelcome, unwarrented and overpriced, it spoils the uncluttererd view and should not have been erected without consulting the rest of Saltburn townspeople.
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